Restricting Files & Paths in Caddy

Restricting Files & Paths in Caddy

I received an email today from an independent security researcher which detailed a vulnerability in I am using a pretty old version of the Ghost docker image which apparently serves a directory which is a Git repository (including a .git folder). The vulnerability exploited my permissive Caddy configuration to access the git HEAD. To reproduce, the researcher built a robot to hit websites at /.git/HEAD. Read all about the vulnerability and why it is important to mitigate on his website

The blog offers examples of Nginx and Apache configurations which address the vulnerability, but sadly leaves out Caddy! Here is my best shot at a caddy config which mimics the suggested Nginx and Apache versions. From what I can tell, Caddy dosn't have a Deny verb but it does have a rewrite which seems to fit:

caddyFile {
  <other config stuff>

  rewrite {
    r /\..*
    to /

Nginx Similar

location ~ /\.(?!well-known\/) {
    deny all;

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